Jesus Alimenta A Multitud – (Spanish)


Esta historia de cuando Jesus alimento a los 5.000 esta basada en Mateo 14:13-21, Marcos 6:30-44, Lucas 9:10-17 y Juan 6:1-13. Ensea que asi como uso el regalo del nio de la historia, cinco panes y dos pescados, Jesus tambien usa los dones de todo creyente para expander su reino.

La serie Libros Arco tiene las mismas ilustraciones a todo color que hicieron famosa la serie Arch(R) Books, y en forma de rima cuenta valiosas historias biblicas. Esta serie no es una traduccion; cada historia fue escrita en forma de rima en espaol.

Son ideales para clases de escuela biblica, eventos de evangelizacion o ministerios para nios.

This book tells the story of the feeding of the 5,000 based on Matthew 14:13-21; Mark 6:30-44; Luke 9:10-17; John 6:1-13. It teaches that just as Jesus used the boy’s gift of five loaves and two fish in the story, Jesus also uses the gifts of every believer in His kingdom.

The Libros Arco series uses the same full-color illustrations that made Arch Books famous and tells important Bible stories. Libros Arco are not a translation; every rhyming story was originally written in Spanish!

They are ideal for Sunday School classes, outreach events, or children’s ministry.


SKU (ISBN): 9780758612380
ISBN10: 0758612389
Language: Spanish
Binding: Saddle Stitch
Published: June 2006
Arch Books
Publisher: Concordia Publishing House


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